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ASA Hotel Software

Payment processing

With the payment systems fully integrated in ASA HOTEL , credit card data is stored securely, pre-authorizations and electronic payments can be made directly in ASA HOTEL and amounts are transferred directly to the POS terminal. All transactions are stored in the hotel software and can therefore be tracked at any time, including electronic signatures. It is therefore no longer necessary to physically keep a signed payment receipt, as it is stored directly in the Document Management System in ASA HOTEL with the guest's electronic signature.

In addition, online payments can be automatically scanned into ASA HOTEL . This automatically creates a deposit account with the payment details and assigns it to the reservation.

ASA Hotel Modules

ASA Payment

ASA Payment means above all:

Time saving‍

  • No more manual operations: deposits are automatically transferred to the reservation.
  • Perform daily closings of terminals directly in ASA HOTEL with one click.
  • Also handle virtual card payment with a few clicks.


  • Automated tokenization of credit card data.


  • All payment transactions via the POS device or via the payment widget are stored in ASA HOTEL .
  • Each electronic payment is assigned to a billing account. This makes it clear which payments belong to which account.

Error minimization

  • No manual typing at the POS device and no filing of physical receipts.

Better guest experience

  • Signing the payment receipt via tablet and almost check-out
ASA Hotel Modules

Transferred guest deposits with REHEG automated in ASA HOTEL

By automatically reading the bank accounts, guest advance payments are transferred directly to ASA HOTEL. REHEG's software seamlessly manages and transfers deposits from bank accounts to ASA HOTEL. It integrates seamlessly into your PMS system and eliminates manual errors. A clear game changer in terms of the down payment process.

You also have the option of linking several bank accounts from different banks with REHEG. This means you have all bank transactions in one system. REHEG allows you to pay various invoices with different accounts without the hassle of logging in and out of different bank portals.

Your benefits at a glance: Time savings, error reduction, increased efficiency, cost savings and secure transactions.

Together with REHEG GmbH from South Tyrol, we make your payment processes more efficient.


You want to see more?
Get to know ASA HOTEL now

To get an even better idea of the hotel software, you can easily and easily download our demo version of ASA HOTEL get to know. Contact us and one of our sales partners will guide you through the software in a call.